Kaspersky Internet Security 2011.0.1.400 + 10 Year License

marți, 26 aprilie 2011 Publicat de Univers Virtual
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011.0.1.400 + 10 Year License

Complete PC & Netbook Protection
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 has everything that you need to stay safe and secure while you're surfing the web. It provides constant protection for you and your family – whether you work, bank, shop or play online.

Stay ahead of the threats with Kaspersky Internet Security 2011!


1. do a clean install of kaspersky

2. when it asks check trial license

3. after you install go straight to update and update !

4. after the update it will ask to restart and do so

5. after restart open kaspersky and go to the 30 day license link at the bottom right hand corner

6. then where the serial number has a cross next to it click on the cross and delete the serial number

7. then after you delete it go straight to settings and then disable self defense and click APPLY !

8. then you need to completeley withdraw from kaspersky even exit from taskbar and hidden icon section at bottom right hand of the screen

9. once you have withdrawn from kaspersky go to youre folder and open the crack and install after install wait for a minute and youre 3700 days should be ther on the bottom right hand of kaspersky

10. and thats you finished wwaaayyyy



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